Michael James born by C-Section, April 4, 2007 at 5:59pm PST. Weighing in at 7lbs.. 12 oz. and measuring 20 1/2 inches. Mom and baby are in excellent condition and are enjoying some rest. Hehe I have a new squishy to play with. My son and daughter are going to flipp when they meet him.
He comes with a few Abilities.
Racial Bonus:
Invunerable to Harm:
Instant Cast
1Year duration
1 Charge
Casues all cryings, wettings, dirty diapers, and collateral peeing on pops to have 0% aggro to parents. For the first 3 months a 25% aggro reduction(cumulative and will go below negative) is in place for every act stated above. (Ie. Everything is cute for the first 3 months) This aggro reduction helps in survival as the child grows.
Quick Wizz:
Instant Cast(Initial. Gains in level will increase cast times and legth of spell duration.)
30 sec cooldown (Unless there is a cold breeze then all bets are off.)
Gains on pick-up the skill to hit multiple targets with wiz before any other attacks. (No damage reduction possible. Always hits.)
Stat Bonuses:
+5 STA
-10 INT (Gains +5 every level regardless of itemization.)
-20 AGL (6 Month cooldown before becoming +20)
+10 SPR (Gains +5 every week for 6 months then......it goes off the charts)
+30K ARMOR (Cuz theys gotto get through me first!)
Congratulations Snow, Mindkiller on your blessing!!
Mickey James looks like a keeper, no need to reroll :p
I'm so very happy and proud for you both, and sincerely hope you both enjoy the miracle and wonder that's entered your lives (mumbling something about dirty diapers, crying, screaming, lack of sleep......lol)
YAY for you. What abilities did he come with?
+3 crying?
+1 wetness resistance?
Get some sleep, keep him on your lap, and get back to the 'puter. :)
YAY for you. What abilities did he come with?
+3 crying?
+1 wetness resistance?
Get some sleep, keep him on your lap, and get back to the 'puter. :)
Sorry about the sleepless nights you're about to endure :)
Really happy the *three* of you are doing great!
Congratulations! Just remember, until he hits level 10, he's not really a hunter. Wait until he gets his pet before judge whether or not you're gonna keep him.
You are gonna raise him as a hunter, right? :)
Damh and Hobbes
Friend of mine just had one. He survived it. He probably wouldn't trade the experience for the world.
And I guess we won't have to ask "Wut dropped?" There's screenshots!
LOL ... classic!
and many many congratulations to you and yours!
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